Summoning a demon?!?

•August 8, 2018 • Comments Off on Summoning a demon?!?

This comes via Geeks Are Sexy.  They found it in on Imgur from a thread within Tumblr… yeah, don’t think too deep, just follow the string and you’ll see where it comes from.

When a sandwich maker summons a demon by mistake…


I honestly would say that I’d read the heck out of a book or even a movie/tv show/series.  It’s some of the better stuff I’ve seen come out of a simple idea and expanded on.  Especially by multiple people.

There’s apparently three parts written by three different people and it all started with a writing prompts post on Tumblr.

So, head on over to either Geeks are Sexy, Imgur or Tumblr and let me know what you think.  And don’t forget to read the comments on Tumblr as well, there’s some good ones.

While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich, you accidentally make a magical occult symbol and summon a demon.

You silently take two more slices of bread of the package and make another sandwich. You put it on a plate with a handful of potato chips and hand it to the demon. He takes the sandwich, smiles and vanishes in a puff of demonic smoke. The next day you get that job promotion you were after. There was no contract. No words spoken. You owe nothing. But every now and then, another demon pops in for lunch. Demons don’t often get homemade sandwiches…

Tumblr 1st Part – Teawitch – You silently take two more slices of bread…

Tumblr 2nd Part – Geeko-Sapiens – It would be a little annoying, if they weren’t so nice about it…

Tumblr 3rd Part – Just-For-Ship – It took a bit of explaining with the first angel to arrive…

And the one to point it out on Imgur is EmpressOfSquids…


Keep Your Left Shoe Next to Your Baby’s Car Seat ?

•August 6, 2018 • Comments Off on Keep Your Left Shoe Next to Your Baby’s Car Seat ?


Your left shoe…

Or as some other posts would read keep something important in the back seat…like your cell phone…really???   REALLY???

If you’re that stupid that you forget you have a child in the back seat, no matter what your reasons, you’re too fricking stupid to reproduce or to be allowed to have a child or even have a car.  If you’re that “distracted” you shouldn’t be driving.

I don’t care if you only drive your child to school once a year, or have your child with you once a month when you’re doing things.  You NEVER forget your child.  It’s like saying, hmm, I know I left something back there…phone, nope got that…keys, nope locked the door with them…wallet?  Nope got that cause I need to pay…oh well, I’ll remember…   Queue sirens an hour later…Oh, now I remember I forgot my kid in the back seat on a 102 degree day…windows up… wasn’t important enough to remember them.

BULLSHIT.  There’s absolutely NO reason for anyone to forget their child in the backseat of a car.  I don’t care what some PhD psychologist or whatever they are say, there’s NO reason to FORGET THEY HAVE A CHILD.  The should be charged with everything in the book and thrown to the wolves.

Sorry, things like this just get my blood boiling.  I’ve been plenty distracted, plenty busy and never, not even once have I forgotten that I had a child in my car.  Neither has my wife.  And that’s from day one.  Either way, take a look at these posts that got my blood boiling and let me know what you think down in the comments…

Keep your left shoe next to your baby’s car seat via Lifehacker Offspring

Accidentally leaving a child in a hot car is a tragic mistake that anyone could make. Blame our faulty brains, among other things. (And if you haven’t read Gene Weingarten’s 2009 Washington Post story on hot car deaths, make a point to do so—it’s masterful.)

Anyone can forget a child in a hot car even you via Lifehacker

We’ve all seen the gut-wrenching headline: “Child dies after overheating in car.” And it’s likely, as parents ourselves or not, we’ve all had some negative reaction to this type of news and wondered how could a caregiver of any sort forget that a child was still buckled into the back of the car and just leave them there?


•August 3, 2018 • Comments Off on

While killing time on Facebook I happened to come across this piece.  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen similar things on Facebook and other places from other areas, but can’t say for sure.


I have given the text below in case the image does not show:

With the ever growing use and popularity of websites and apps such as Craigslist, Let Go, Facebook Marketplace, etc., the Hummelstown Police Department is taking steps to provide a well-lit, convenient place for users to complete transactions at any time of the day or night.

Two parking spaces at the new Hummelstown Borough Building are posted as a “Safe Exchange Zone”.  These two parking spaces are located at the northwest corner of the Municipal parking lot, closest to the Quarry Rd and LDMS entrance.

A nearby light pole provides adequate lighting for anyone planning on purchasing or selling items to another person, which they are likely meeting for the first time.  An exterior video security camera will record the “Safe Exchange Zone”.  These two parking spaces are also ideal for parents needing a neutral area for child custody exchange between parents.

I don’t know any additional details but what is listed in this bit that was posted and I don’t see any reason that they wouldn’t set one of these up.  I’d say call first to make sure that this is in fact true before relying on it.

And if you know of any other area police departments, sheriff’s offices or state police departments, please let us know down in the comments and I’ll make sure and post it.  What I’m going to end up doing in the long run is start a new page to promote these Safe Exchange Zones for not just Central Pennsylvania, but anywhere I have heard of them.

As always, go ahead and hit that subscribe button and be notified whenever a new post arrives.

Thank you.


Code Name Insight: Hackers and You

•August 2, 2018 • Comments Off on Code Name Insight: Hackers and You

via Code Name Insight: Hackers and You

On a large scale, there isn’t much you as an individual can do about hackers and their hacks that generally affect tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people in the US each year.  But there are many things you can do to protect yourself as an individual from these hacks of the systems you use everyday…

This is something that is near and dear to my heart, mind and soul.  I work in the information security field and reading over a few of the items down this list I started to wonder.  How many people out there can do even five of these items.  Not because they aren’t intelligent or smart but because they’re just not good with tech.

Well, over the next few days/weeks, etc, I think I’m going to go ahead and supplement my CPE requirements for the CISM (ISACA Certified Information Security Manager) and do a how to on a lot of these items.


An independent, nonprofit, global association, ISACA engages in the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems. Previously known as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA now goes by its acronym only, to reflect the broad range of IT governance professionals it serves.

A Certified Information Security Manager is:

The uniquely management-focused CISM certification promotes international security practices and recognizes the individual who manages, designs, and oversees and assesses an enterprise’s information security.

Please head on over to Code Name Insight’s site and check out the full article.  Not only this one, but they have a ton of other good stuff to read through and think about.  For your convenience, I’ve put the list of items here for you.  And keep checking back or subscribe to the site so you’ll know when I post a new topic.

  • Keep your cell phone/tablet/computer password protected (and don’t forget to log out of secure things like bank account apps after you use them).
    • I’ll show you how you can set passwords, pins on devices and how to change them.
  • Use two-factor authentication on all of your online accounts.
    • I’ll explain what two-factor authentication is in easy to understand language and how to enable it on a large number of sites.
  • Don’t use the same password/pin number for every single account you have.
    • I’ll give you ideas and examples on how to remember all your passwords and user names without writing them down or keeping them in a program. Along with giving ideas on what software is out there and where to get it.
      This may be followed up with several posts on how to use different software.
  • Use encryption if possible with your emails, messaging, and other online communications.
    • I’ll explain briefly how encryption works and how to use it with e-mails, etc.
  • Use a (highly rated) VPN whenever you use public wifi.
    • I’ll explain what a VPN is, how to get it and how to use it.
  • Regularly change the password on your home wifi router.
    • I’ll walk through several different brands and point to where you can get help for others.
  • Don’t download any files you did not request or receive from someone unknown to you.
    • I’ll explain why this is very important and how to protect yourself.
  • Don’t open scam emails.
    • I’ll explain what they are and why along with how to recognize them.
  • Keep your software and security programs up to date.
    • I’ll go over how to do this and what you should have on your computers.
  • When you pass on your old digital devices (cell phones, tablets, computers) get rid of all of your info on these devices. Do a factory reset or wipe the hard drive to ensure your personal info is erased.
    • Explaining how to do this and make sure you’re not opening up yourself to data theft.
  • Come up with false (but memorable to you) answers to security questions (things like your mother’s maiden name is easy enough for a hacker to find online).
    • This is a huge one and easy to change your habits.
  • Log into each service separately (instead of using Facebook to log into many of your online services, for example).
    • Not sure this needs too much explanation, but may post it with another topic.
  • If you have highly secret information, consider using an “air gap” computer.
    • I’ll explain how to do this and what an air gap computer is.
  • Always keep back-up copies of important digital files, password protected of course.
    • This is self explanatory but there are things that need said about it.
  • Be sure you do your online shopping through reputable companies (and be sure if you log into one of these sites you have the actual real website address, some scammers will take a popular site and change one letter or the domain suffix to catch the unwary).
    • Again, self explanatory but there are things that need said about it.
  • Never give your passwords/user names/account numbers/other secure personal information to anyone who calls or emails asking for this information no matter who they say they are.
    • This is a HUGE topic. I will be going over this one and giving you tips and tricks to avoid getting scammed.

And if there’s anything else, please let me know and I’ll see what I can put together.

Is that a Cell Phone in your pocket?

•August 1, 2018 • Comments Off on Is that a Cell Phone in your pocket?

Trigger warning…(pun intended)…This post is about…GUNS…

Now that the politically correct BS is out of the way.

I came across this actually some time ago, but it popped back up in my feed again today.  it’s a ‘derringer’, or pocket gun that holds two .380 rounds.  Fits in your pocket, purse, ‘fanny pack’, boot, just about anywhere, even on your hip and unless someone’s aware of what it actually is, or have seen one before they won’t know what it is.  In fact, they’ll probably think it’s a cell phone.  Now at this point, I’m going to ask you that if you do leave comments down below, please be civil.  I know the arguments that people are going to want to start with this.  “Why do they have to make it look like a cell phone”, etc… etc… etc… Well, I’ve heard tons of things similar to that and those posts will be deleted right out.  If you’re going to make an argument and do it intelligently, then yes, I’ll leave those comments there.


It’s called the Ideal Conceal Cell Phone in .380.  It’s actually quite awesome and despite the near $600 price tag I still want one.  Yes, I said near $600 price tag as opposed to around $100 for a standard .380 two shot derringer.  Which, yes, I want one of those as well.  Just haven’t gotten around to picking one up yet.

Either way, take a look at the review that TFB TV did on it over on YouTube…

In this episode of TFBTV, James looks at “The Cell Phone Gun”, a.k.a. the Ideal Conceal .380 Derringer Pistol. Designed to be discreet, slim, and easy to carry for EDC and deploy quickly, the Ideal Conceal is certainly an unorthodox and novel carry option. But how does it shoot? James Reeves tells you today.

Again, I’m definitely interested in picking one up but it’s hard to justify the price tag when I could get an ‘off brand’ 1911 and a double barreled .380 derringer for around the same price.  But, Ideal Conceal, if you’re reading this and would like another review of the IC.380, or just want to hook a guy up, please get in touch with me and we can work something out.  in return for an honest layman’s review

If you’re interested in picking one up or taking a hands on look at one, head on over to one of these two fine establishments in the Harrisburg area:


Flood Waters were rising

•July 30, 2018 • Comments Off on Flood Waters were rising

Hey everybody, no, I didn’t fall off the earth again, was dealing with something all last week and didn’t have a chance to post.

Some of you may have heard of a bit of flooding due to all of the rain we had last week.  More information over at the York Daily Record if you want more info.

Susquehanna River levels are at minor flood stage this morning, and by Friday morning they will reach moderate flooding in Harrisburg, Marietta and Wrightsville, according to the National Weather Service in State College. Locally, in Wrightsville, the river is expected to reach 52 feet early tomorrow.

Basement had about two inches if I’m not mistaken, which is a heck of a lot better than the last time we flooded around five years ago (I think).  Back then we had a total of about five foot of water, 2.5 feet one day, gas operated evacuation pump ran out of fuel overnight and I woke up to 2.5 more feet of water.  We lost close to $15,000.00 that time including my entire office, the game room/library, a few thousand in books including some first print and irreplaceable ones.  Most of my computer equipment including firewalls, servers, etc.  And to top it off, the only thing we had to cover the cost was sewage and backup coverage since we’re not in a flood plane.  So we recovered about a third of what we lost.

Because of that, we ended up having a very nice two inch solid waste submersible sump which we left in place and it has served us fine till now.  Unfortunately, it gave up the ghost in the middle of all of this and that was what really let the water start filling us up again.

Overall, we ended up buying three 1/2 horsepower and one 1/3 horsepower submersible sumps, along with our gas operated one and we were in business.  It was a three day ordeal, had to miss work, made a lot of cleanup and several trips to Home Depot to get supplies, pumps, etc.  But we were able to keep the flood waters to a manageable level.

We only lost around $1,000.00 this time around I believe but most of it was old clothes, some food from the pantry, etc.  Overall, the biggest thing we lost was time from work and the additional monies that we had to pay for the sumps and plumbing supplies.

Got all of our fans going and finally have the basement just about completely dry for the most part.  So expect regular updates from here on out.

Do they even teach drivers ed anymore?

•July 20, 2018 • Comments Off on Do they even teach drivers ed anymore?

Ok, this is one of my all time traffic law pet peeves. I’m entering the interstate and on the onramp before even hitting the ‘get up to speed’ area and I get cut off by someone that is entering the on ramp from another direction. Here’s the thing though. THEY have a yield sign plain as day and not obstructed. Then I get the horn blared at me and the ‘bird’ from a young driver that’s on the phone.

Last I checked they were breaking two traffic laws at least. Driving while distracted (on the phone) and not yielding right of way.

For those that don’t know, here’s the definition of the yield sign from Yield

Yield means let other road users go first. A yield sign assigns the right-of-way to traffic in certain intersections. If you see a yield sign ahead, be prepared to let other drivers crossing your road take the right-of-way. And don’t forget about bicycles and pedestrians!

Im telling you either people are stupid, can’t read or are just plain ignorant…or all of the above. Anyhow, let’s try and stay safe out there and how about showing a little courtesy.

Here’s How To Get Free French Fries From McDonald’s For The Rest Of 2018

•July 19, 2018 • Comments Off on Here’s How To Get Free French Fries From McDonald’s For The Rest Of 2018

via Here’s How To Get Free French Fries From McDonald’s For The Rest Of 2018


Hey, found a BroBible page on how to get not only free fries, but also Throwback Thursday stuff today.  I’ts apparently Global McDelivery Day.  So to celebrate it they’re giving swag away, t-shirts, bandanas, etc.

Basically for free fries on Fridays, you’ll need to download an app, buy something for at least $1.00 and then get free fries.

Make a $5.00 or more purchase online and you’ll qualify for the free swag.

Head on over to BroBible to check out the full story and details.

Want to get free fries every Friday for the rest of the year? There are some steps you’ll need to take in order to receive the awesome freebies.

McDonald’s is also giving away free 90s swag.


Is there life out there?

•July 19, 2018 • Comments Off on Is there life out there?

The History channel is coming out with a new series called Project Blue Book this fall/winter. As soon as I hear that it reminded me of something that I remember watching as a child back in the 70’s. I thought it was also ufocalled Project Blue Book, but going through the internet, Google, IMDB, YouTube, the only thing that I can find that even closely resembles what I remember is Project UFO.

I watched Season 1, Episode 1 on YouTube and if you’re interested I’ve added it at the end of this post. It starred Caskey Swaim as Staff Sergeant Harry Fitz, Ed Winter as Captain Ben Ryan, Will Jordan as Major Jake Gatlin and a whole host of other actors and actresses that were big back in the day.

I think this was what I remember as a child, but it’s hard to say. So I’m just going to at this point say this was it. It’s got some of things that I remember in it, the two men in Air Force uniforms driving the generic Blue Air Force marked vehicle. I think it was a Dodge Diplomat, but can’t be sure. It sounds about right for the time. They would go around the country and investigate these sightings and attempt to debunk them. The pilot kind of looked like what I remember, but again, I can’t be sure. If anyone out there remembers this series, please let me know in the comments if Project UFO was what it was.

Anyhow, like I said The History Channel is bringing this series back to life but it feels a little like the original X Files show. It starts sometime this fall and stars Aidan Gillen of Game of Throne Fame and Neal McDonough from Arrow.



I’ts the story of real-life, U.S. Air Force-sponsored investigations into UFO-related phenomena from 1947-70.

I think it’s going to be pretty decent from what I’ve seen so far. can’t wait to get a look at the first episode and I can make a better decision based off of that. But overall, I think it’s going to be good.

And if you want to do a little research and investigation yourself, head on over to the Blue Book Archive.

bba_splashThere’s currently around 56,000 pages online and it provides a modern interface to documents relating to the U.S. government’s investigation of UFO phenomena.

Take a look at the trailer and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Project UFO S01E01 The Washington DC Incident

Magpull…for your eyes

•July 18, 2018 • Comments Off on Magpull…for your eyes

When you think Magpull, what do you think of?

For me, it was always the PMAG rifle magazine.

MAG233 1600x1600 BLK

Well, they of course offer all sort of items on their site, magazines, grips, stocks, slings, sights, shirts, pants, gloves, phone cases, patches, bags and now, they have added a line of sunglasses to their inventory.


There’s three different styles to choose from with tons of color choices for the frames and lenses.  From their site:

They run either $139.00 or $149.00 and they do look sharp.  I do love me some sun glasses, but let me tell ya.  As bad as I am with them (and as many different pair that I have) spending anything over $20.00 for sunglasses is pretty much out of the question…unless I want to give my wife another reason to cash in on my insurance policy…

So, sadly, unless I win the lotto or someone is kind enough to donate a pair to me, looks like I won’t be getting any.

Either way, hit the links above and head on over to see everything they’ve got.  If you’ve got a pair and want to review them, shoot me a line and we’ll set something up.